Health & Safety

Kildea Concrete Health & Safety Policy

  • To comply with the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act (General Applications) Regulations 2007, the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Quarry) Regulations, 2008 and any other relevant E.D Regulations.
  • To ensure the Safety, Health and Welfare at work of all our employees in so far as is reasonably practicable.
  • To ensure the people, not in our employment, who may be affected by our work activities, are not thereby exposed to risks to their safety and health.
  • To consult with all our employees on issues of Safety, Health and Welfare at work, take account of their representations, as far as is reasonably practicable, and to notify them of their specific duties under the 2005 Act.
  • To make available information, instruction, training and supervision on safe working practices as detailed in the Safety Statement, to all our workforce and to do everything reasonably practicable to ensure sub-contractors are similarly informed and accept working under these conditions
  • To distribute this Safety Statement to the Works Foreman and Plant Foremen. To ensure that all necessary resources, structures and procedures are in place to allow effective implementation and maintenance of the Safety Statement.
  • To assess the effectiveness and implementation of the Safety Statement annually and make any changes deemed necessary
  • It is the duty of all personnel (including sub-contractors, suppliers and visitors) to take all reasonable precautions to avoid injury to themselves and those affected by their activities.
  • Our legal and moral responsibility for our own safety and the safety of others dictate that everyone must know and comply with the safety requirements pertaining to their work.
  • This Safety Statement shall, therefore, be brought to the attention of, and made accessible to all S. Kildea & Sons Ltd. employees and sub-contractors so that they will know and understand their responsibilities as detailed in it and the co-operation required from all to achieve a “SAFE PLACE OF WORK”.

Our Responsibility

Kildea Concrete recognizes its responsibilities, under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, to provide as safe a place of work as is reasonably practicable.

The Safety Statement has been prepared to comply with Section 12 of the aforementioned Act but also to acknowledge the moral responsibilities of the company to take reasonable care of all its employees and others affected by our activities.
